Pre-Orders Available Now for New Mermaid Tarot Gold Edition with Box! New DD Dolls, Paintings, Prin

AVAILABLE NOW! :) The Gold edition will be preorder for up to 2 weeks. We expect to get the shipment of tarot in from the printer before June 19th. After this, we will have the tarot on stock indefinitely so you will not have to wait ever again for your tarot orders!
Gold Edition Dame Darcy Mermaid Tarot
ALL NEW Gold Edition Dame Darcy Mermaid Tarot is HERE! Pre-Order Here! Gold gilded edges on all cards, remastered images and beautiful heavy weight flip box designed inside and out with a nautical style that compliments the classic Mermaid Tarot card design.
78 beautifully illustrated mermaid and nautical themed tarot cards by Dame Darcy based on the traditional Rider deck.
Thank you so much for your amazing support of this deck.
We also have a virtual Mermaid Tarot Game! It's in the Tarot section of
Here's the video showing how to play :)
Card reading instructions can be found here:

New Alice painting! 1x1/2 ft. X 1 ft. Acrylic painted on canvas. My challenge with this piece was to make her look like an actual person. Like someone's real daughter. Alice is such an iconic image. Ethereal and removed from reality though she is supposed to be the human, realistic voice of the story. Since the Queen Alice tarot project, I've revisited the original book from the 1860's, given to me by my Grandparents, which changed my life forever. I forgot how hilarious adorable and British the humor is in Alice. And it's interesting to see all the political and feminist statements hidden in Alice along with the Buddhist philosophy, and overall DaDa trippyness. Like when Alice falls down the rabbit hole, she doesn't freak out, she doesn't freak out . She just looks around her as she's falling, making wacky little observations and quips along the way till the falling ends. This is the inspiration we can all get from Alice. All proceeds go to Gold Mermaid Tarot with Box and Queen Alice Tarot release! Etsy Listing:

Alice in wonderland doll is 5 inches tall. She easily fits in and out of her drink me bottle including moss, mushroom, and flowers. Alice's arms and legs are jointed and posable with genuine human hair, a hand painted face and hand sewn dress. Alice gives very good advice, but very seldom follows it, that explains the trouble that she's always in. All proceeds go to Gold Mermaid Tarot with Box and Queen Alice Tarot release! Etsy Listing:

Duchess Domiana was born to royality in 1761. Responsible for an entire nautical estate and fortune built upon ports and shipping. Her life was spent half managing her property and half attending beautiful balls where she was required to keep up her appearances by hob nobbing with the finest. Unfortunately, during one of the galas, The Duchess was killed by pirates who pillaged the ball and stole away all her finery. 6 inches tall, jointed poseable limbs, hand painted, hand crafted, hand sewn dress. Fits in Crafted coffin. All proceeds go to Gold Mermaid Tarot with Box and Queen Alice Tarot release! Etsy Listing:

Madame Esmerelda Emerald lived in the 1890s as a Madame of a brothel in the wild west. She had a refined elegant hand at calligraphy, as well as being a sharp shooter. Her journal was found, in it her death was revealed yet remains a mystery. Some say she fell in love with a bandit and rode off with him never to be seen again. Some hear tell she had a shootout in the hills with the bandit and lost. No one will never know just what happened. 6 inches tall, jointed poseable limbs, hand painted, hand crafted, hand sewn dress. Fits in Crafted coffin.All proceeds go to Gold Mermaid Tarot with Box and Queen Alice Tarot release!
Etsy Listing:

Miss Flora Gardner is from 1919 but her spirit is eternal. Growing magical herbs and spices to cure all ailments, she also searched for gormet mushrooms in subtropical Forrests. Unfortunately, she accidentally ate the wrong kind of mushroom and was poisoned. 5 inches tall, jointed poseable limbs, hand painted, hand crafted, hand sewn dress. Fits in Crafted coffin. All proceeds go to Gold Mermaid Tarot with Box and Queen Alice Tarot release! Etsy Listing:

Lovers, 7 X 5 inch framed hand drawn and painted with glitter watercolor original illustration. Ready to hang or prop frame. As a special thanks, when you get up to $100 of Queen Alice framed original art originals, you receive a free hand painted Alice and musical flowers, or Drink Me print. Please send me your print preference in convo, otherwise I'll choose for you and send. Thanks for your support. All proceeds go towards printing the new Queen Alice tarot deck.

Tell your story. Five of Wands, 7 X 5 inch framed hand drawn and painted with glitter watercolor original illustration. Ready to hang or prop frame. As a special thanks, when you get up to $100 of Queen Alice framed original art originals, you receive a free hand painted Alice and musical flowers, or Drink Me print. Please send me your print preference in convo, otherwise I'll choose for you and send. Thanks for your support. All proceeds go towards printing the new Queen Alice tarot deck. Love, Dame Darcy

Five Of Pentacles , 7 X 5 inch framed hand drawn pen and ink black and white original illustration. Ready to hang or prop frame. As a special thanks, when you get up to $100 of Queen Alice framed original art originals, you receive a free hand painted Alice and musical flowers, or Drink Me print. Please send me your print preference in convo, otherwise I'll choose for you and send. Thanks for your support. All proceeds go towards printing the new Queen Alice tarot deck. Love, Dame Darcy Listing:

Seven of Pentacles, 7 X 5 inch framed hand drawn pen and ink black and white original illustration. Ready to hang or prop frame. As a special thanks, when you get up to $100 of Queen Alice framed original art originals, you receive a free hand painted Alice and musical flowers, or Drink Me print.

Maya Gottfrield's book (Illustrated by yours truly) Vegan Love: Dating and Partnering for the Cruelty-Free Gal (Skyhorse) has won Silver in the Sexualty/Relationships category of the IPPY Awards.The awards honor the year's best independently published titles from around the world. To purchase a copy of Vegan Love please follow this link! Vegan Love I'm going from Canada to NYC briefly for this awards event from Monday May 28th through May 30th , we will be live streamed through Pateron so you can join us in real time! Check Dame Darcy social media for details. Saturday May 26 Starting at 9am: Tents outside with comics tables and booths :) Happy to see you in person!at 2pm: I'm doing a lecture and Q&A on Self-Publishing we will be live streamed through Pateron so you can join us in real time! Check Dame Darcy social media for details Plus 4-5pm: I'll be at the Drawn & Quarterly Booth book signing Table #21 Sunday May 27 12-1pm: I'll be signing Meat Cake comics and other books at the Drawn & Quarterly Booth #21 3pm: Woman's representation in Comics DD Convo / Talk with 5 other speakers plus Q&A also will be live streamed on Pateron

Naughty Nautical Nite! Featuring Skippy Spiral, Dame Darcy, Death By Doll, Isabelle Doll DJ GraveFace, Burlesque Mermaids, Clowns, Music, And so much more! Also, DD and Isabelle Doll's 93rd birthday party!Tropic Goth Dark Wave Disco Mermaid Sea Shanties June 19th 2018 8pm-10pm Upstairs at Sulphur $6 with costume $12 otherwise Costume Contest Prizes! Sulphur Studios Annex2301 Bull St. Savannah, GA 31401 All proceeds go to Gold Mermaid Tarot with Box and Queen Alice Tarot release!

PATREON LIVESTREAM EVENTS: I'm going from Canada to NYC briefly for this awards event from Monday May 28th through May 30th , sorry I wont be in NYC long this time because I have to return to Savannah to do this awesome collaborative show with Quintron from Weather Warlock at Grave Face Records. Special Thanks to Ryan Quintron is touring and doing live performances but also including experimental and noise local weirdos from every city they play. I'll be playing singing saw and tambourine. Here's the info for the Savannah GA Grave Face event on June 1st 5 W. 40th St, Sav, GA 31401 Quintron: Guitar and Weather Synth Aaron Hill: (Eye Hate God) drums Gary Wrong: Guitar Kunal Prakash: Guitar I'll be playing singing saw and tambourine :) DD

Adam Parfrey, unexpectedly moved on from this mortal coil, last week at the young age of 61. He was always in another world, so hopefully his transition was easy. I'm still in the process of doing rituals for his passing. He was my dear friend and publisher of Feral House the company to release Hi Jax & HI Jinx the Graphic Novel Autobiography this fall. Adam once met me at a breakfast place in Portland Oregon wearing a gnarled goats horn in the center of his forehead, saying "he was a unicorn". He was a unique soul and created a space in the publishing world and the world in general for true weirdos to shine. This is his legacy and the void he has left in my life and the life of his friends is profound. I have been going through the greiving process basically alone in Savannah because no one I know here knew him. I love him very much and he gave me a chance and format for understanding a life that no one else has or ever before or even could. Love, Dame Darcy